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Vice Governor Chen Xingying pays a visit to ZHDH

  On September 4, Vice Governor Chen Xingying of Jiangsu provincial people's government paid a visit to Zhongda Hospital Southeast University and held a symposium to discuss the reform and development of Zhongda hospital. Wang Siyuan, deputy secretary-general of Jiangsu provincial people's government, Wang Hua, deputy director of Jiangsu Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, Zhang Guangjun, President of Southeast University, Wang Baoping, executive vice President of Southeast University, Teng Gaojun, President of Zhongda Hospital Southeast University, Guo Xiaoming, Secretary of the Party Committee and others also attended the symposium.


  At the research symposium, director Teng Gaojun reported on the general situation of the hospital, quality medical services, new achievements of the medical reformation, and future development vision of ZHDH. Since the establishment of the hospital in 1935, ZHDH has been based in Jiangsu, serving Jiangsu, and has established a good reputation among Jiangsu patients with high-quality medical services. Among them, ICU, Medical Imaging, Interventional and Vascular Surgery, Nephrology and other peak disciplines have been growing rapidly and are leading the international frontier, with fruitful results achieved from the development of distinctive subjects, scientific research, talent team building and training,and research platform. In recent years, ZHDH has taken the initiative to adapt to the new medical reform by boldly exploring, expanding and innovating in order to better serve our patients, such as the homogeneous management of ZHDH Jiangbei Branch, and the rapid development of ZHDH medical group, all of which have achieved gratifying results.


  President Zhang Guangjun expressed his gratitude to vice Governor Chen Xingying and his delegation for coming to ZHDH to investigate and guide the development of ZHDH. Southeast university and ZHDH will seize the opportunity to combine the advantages of disciplines development and accelerate development to better serve the economic and social development of Jiangsu Province.


  Chen Xingying, vice governor, pointed out that Jiangsu province attaches great importance to the development of ZHDH. As the affiliated hospital of a national "985" universities, relying on the platform of the university, the hospital gives full play to the advantages of university affiliated hospital in terms of discipline construction, talent cultivation, scientific research, cooperation and exchange, making important contributions to the development of Jiangsu health industry. She hopes that the hospital will further speed up its development, strive to become one of the top hospitals in the world in terms of distinctive disciplines, continue to deepen the construction of medical association, constantly strengthen health informationization service, actively explore the innovation of hospital management system and mechanism, and strive to make new breakthroughs


  Before the symposium, vice Governor Chen visited the hospital's outpatient and emergency department, blood purification and dialysis center, ICU and interventional operation room for field inspection.

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