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"One Belt One Road" international training workshop on microwave ablation of tumor was successfully held in Zhongda Hospital

On January 7th through 9th, the "One Belt One Road" international training workshop on microwave ablation of tumor was successfully held in Zhongda Hospital.

25 doctors from Nigeria, Jordan, India, Mongolia, Lebanon, the Philippines, Kenya and other One Belt And One Road countries, as well as Germany, France, Portugal, Japan and other countries received a 3-day professional training in tumor microwave ablation technology.

It is introduced that China's tumor microwave ablation technology is at the international leading level.

Professor Teng Gaojun, president of Zhongda hospital and also a famous interventional medicine expert, served as the head teacher of the workshop.

President Teng Gaojun said in the opening ceremony that Zhongda hospital hosts many international experts to come to the hospital to learn and exchange every year, and he welcomes 'One Belt And One Road' along the country's doctors to participate in the workshop.He believed that through mutual exchange, we can further enhance the standard of the technology in countries aroundthe world.



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