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Professor Markus Ketteler, German expert on calcification defense, visited Zhongda Hospital

  On the afternoon of August 21, Professor Markus Ketteler, former Chairman of ERA-EDTA, well-known CKD-MBD and expert of calcification defense in Germany, visited the Institute of Nephrology of Zhongda Hospital Southeast University, and had in-depth communication with the research team of calcification defense in Zhongda Hospital. That evening, as the guest speaker, Professor Ketteler gave an excellent academic report on the research progress of CKD-MBD at the National Summit Forum of Chronic Nephropathy-Nanjing Station in 2019.

  On the afternoon of the 21st, Professor Ketteler visited the Institute of Nephrology, Zhongda Hospital. Accompanied by Vice President Liu Bicheng and Professor Zhang Xiaoliang, he visited the nephrology ward, blood purification center, peritoneal dialysis center and pathological diagnosis center. During this period, Vice President Liu Bicheng briefed the guests on the development history, subject characteristics, development orientation of the Institute of Nephrology and many achievements in medical, educational and scientific research in recent years. Professor Ketteler heartily congratulates his Chinese counterparts on their remarkable progress.

  This academic exchange focuses on Professor Zhang Xiaoliang's special report entitled "Calciphylaxis - Experience of Zhong Da Hospital". In his report, Professor Zhang introduced the latest development of calcification defense in detail, and showed the achievements of the research team of calcification defense in Zhongda Hospital in recent years in basic research, clinical epidemiology research, early diagnosis research and treatment in this field. Professor Ketteler listened carefully to Professor Zhang's excellent report in English and highly appreciated the achievements made by the research team of calcification defense in ZHDH. There was a warm academic atmosphere on the spot. Professor Ketteler and Professor Zhang discussed the hot issues of calcification defense and the urgent problems to be solved extensively and thoroughly. Professor Ketteler inquired in detail about the incidence of calcification defense in China, the number of confirmed cases, and how patients are treated in multiple disciplines. He focused on the current treatment options in China and their effectiveness and safety.


  Professor Ketteler said that calcification defense is a rare disease. The research team of calcification defense in Zhongda Hospital has done a lot of exploratory work in epidemiological investigation based on Chinese population, and established the first registration system based on Chinese population of calcification defense, expecting more relevant data results in the future. Professor Ketteler especially affirmed the improved ECT technology designed by the large and medium-sized team for the early diagnosis of calcification defense. In the area of research on new drugs for calcification defense therapy, he offered to invite in-depth cooperation with large and medium-sized teams in the future clinical trials of vitamin K2 and new drug SNF472. Professor Ketteler appreciated the excellent work of the Calcification Defense Team of ZHDH and hoped to take this visit as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with the Institute of Nephrology of ZHDH. Finally, the two sides exchanged views on international cooperation, talent exchange and cooperation mechanism, and reached preliminary cooperation intentions.

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