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Kenya Medical and Health Delegation Visits Zhongda Hospital

       In order to implement the national "one belt one road" initiative, in the afternoon of September 17th, entrusted by the National Ministry of Health and Nanjing Health Committee International Exchange Center, a group of Kenyan medical and health representatives visited Zhongda Hospital Southeast University. Professor Teng Gaojun, president of the Zhongda Hospital, and leaders and representatives from related offices attended the event.

  During the visit, Professor Teng Gaojun and Maxwell Murage, representative of Kenya delegation and Director of Medical Services Bureau of Kiambu County Hospital, Kenya, addressed to the audiences.


  President Teng Gaojun, on behalf of the hospital, warmly welcomes the guests and introduces the history and general situation of Zhongda Hospital to visitors, as well as the cultivation of high level medical talents for the countries along the "one belt and one road". In his speech, he also talked about the export of Chinese medical technology, hoping to extend China's excellent medical and medical insurance mode to the "one belt and one way" country and share the fruits of development.

  Maxwell Murage, Director of the Medical Services Bureau of Kiambu County Hospital, Kenya, introduced the members of the delegation and the current situation of health care and health insurance in Kenya. He said that the coverage rate of universal health insurance in Kenya was low, the nursing and medical technology was relatively weak, and the judgment and treatment of major diseases such as cancer were also discussed.

  The staff of several functional departments of Zhongda Hospital shared their work. The medical department briefly introduced the role structure, main functions and key points in the management process of the medical department; the medical insurance office briefly shared the medical insurance system of our country and the medical insurance management system of large hospitals; the scientific and technological department mainly introduced the functions and division of labor of the scientific and technological department, the declaration system of scientific research projects at the national and provincial and municipal levels as well as the basis. Basic research, clinical research, article publication, award-winning situation, platform construction and research results; Outpatient Department introduced organizational structure, service object, diagnosis and treatment process, outpatient MDT and current situation; Nursing Department focused on quality and post management, service and training, scientific research and teaching, etc.

  Following the exchange, the Kenyan delegation of health care and medical insurance visited the Clinical Teaching Center, Endoscopy Center and Pathology Center of Zhongda Hospital.


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