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The Fourth Zhongda Forum Was Successfully Held, Themed on Medical Care Globalization

  On November 23, the Fourth Zhongda Forum was held in Nanjing, hosted by Zhongda Hospital Southeast University. The theme of this year’s Zhongda forum is "international medical care and high-quality development". Nearly 1000 experts and scholars engaged in clinical medicine, medical management, and health industry from the United States, Germany, Australia, Taiwan, and other provinces and regions, as well as more than 60 presidents, experts, managers, and medical researchers from Zhongda regional hospital alliance attended the opening ceremony.

  At the opening ceremony, Qi Aiping, Deputy Inspector of Jiangsu Provincial Ministry of Health, Liu Pan, VP of Southeast University, and Teng Gaojun, President of Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, addressed to the audience.


  According to Professor Teng gaojun, in recent years, ZHDH has actively responded to the national medical reform policy, innovated and explored the mode of building regional hospital alliance. The group member of our hospital alliance now has reached 65. The "ZHDH mode" of Medical Alliance has been widely reported by the central media, which has also attracted the attention of domestic peers, National Health Committee, national development and Reform Commission and other departments. The pattern of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment has gradually formed, members of the Medical Association continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the fields of medical treatment, scientific research and teaching. Thus the annual ZHDH forum came into being, and each year the forum received warm response and active participation from the Medical Alliance. This forum has gathered outstanding talents from many hospitals and disciplines, and will present a high-level academic event with rich and colorful contents for the participants.


  The main forum is a gathering of famous experts. Yang Huanming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave the theme report entitled "Omics and Medical Science"; Dai Tao, deputy director of the medical and health science and technology research center of the national health and Health Commission, wrote the theme report entitled "Innovation and thinking of Health Science and technology", Professor Chiang J. Li, honorary academician of the Royal College of physicians, member of the top management board of Harvard BIDMC hospital, Professor Ross Horley, senior lecturer of Medical College of Notre Dame University of Australia, Liu Shi’an, director of quality management center of Taichung general hospital for Veterans, and Professor Teng gaojun, president of Zhongda Hospital also brought theme report respectively. Teng gaojun, President of ZHDH, Guo Xiaoming, Secretary of CPC Committee ZHDH, Chen Ming and Shen Yang, VP of ZHDH, and Li Ling and Li Cheng, assistant presidents, served as the hosts of the main forum.

  The forum started in 2016 and this year is the fourth. Based in East China and facing the whole country, the forum aims to focus on the hot spots in clinical, teaching, scientific research, medical reformation, management and other fields of the hospital. Over the past four years, on the platform of the forum, more than 15000 people have participated in the forum to jointly explore the new trends of medical development, new concepts of medical development and new ideas of hospital management. Now it has been built into a high-quality comprehensive academic forum.

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