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Zhongda Hospital shares COVID-19 treatment practices online with 7 countries


  On the afternoon of March 18, ICU experts at Zhongda Hospital Southeast University shared online the COVID-19 treatment practices and gave guidance to doctors from more than 20 medical institutions in seven countries - Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Spain, Greece, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

  Professor Teng Gaojun, president of Zhongda Hospital, said it is of great significance to exchange China’s experience with foreign medics fighting the virus on the frontline. The original plan was to connect with counterparts in only four countries, and then they received requests from Sweden, Germany, and the UK, he said. The hospital will share experiences regarding medical issues they are facing.

  The ICU department at Zhongda Hospital Southeast University, founded in 1988, is one of the earliest such establishment in the country. During the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, the hospital has sent 22 ICU specialists in nine teams to Hubei.

  At present, many experts from the hospital including Professor Qiu Haibo, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the hospital and a member of the expert group of the National Health Commission, are still working in Hubei to combat the epidemic on the front line.

  Re-posted from jschina.com.cn

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